ngsunyu 发表于 2017-9-2 05:23

巴黎 蒙馬特(Montmartre)煎餅磨坊 (Moulin de la Galette)

煎餅磨坊的舞會(法文:Le Bal au Moulin de la Galette)是知名的法國前期印象派畫家皮耶-奧古斯特·雷諾瓦

ngsunyu 发表于 2017-9-2 05:24

煎餅磨坊的花园凉棚(法文:Au jardin - Sous la tonnelle au moulin de la Galette)是知名的法國前期印象派畫家皮耶-奧古斯特·雷諾瓦

ngsunyu 发表于 2017-9-14 08:10

The Montmartre paintings are a group of works that Vincent van Gogh
made in 1886 and 1887 of the Paris district of Montmartre while living
there with his brother Theo. Rather than capture urban settings in
Paris, van Gogh preferred pastoral scenes, such as Montmartre and
Asnières in the northwest suburbs. Of the two years in Paris, the work
from 1886 often has the dark, somber tones of his early works from the
Netherlands and Brussels. By the spring of 1887 van Gogh embraced use
of color and light and created his own brushstroke techniques based
upon Impressionism and Pointillism. The works in the series provide
examples of his work during that period of time and the progression he
made as an artist. (

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