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西班牙籍问题戳制造商重现拍卖网 (peste española)

 楼主| 发表于 2018-3-20 01:52 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2018-3-20 11:01 编辑

谁在中国 买西班牙伪戳商赝品转售可以在淘宝网找到答案。在22~24 楼 介绍过 的 摩洛哥1927年【沃吕碧利斯古罗马哈德良神殿遗迹】西班牙伪戳商 极限片赝品 在 淘宝网 北京邮商店铺 标价 1860人民币。为什么他卖赝品? 答案在利润和别人购买大部分真品。

这家店出售十多枚明显的赝品。 其他太多可疑品无法一一细看。
如果你有能力购买高价品,你可以付认证费用 (A.I.E.P.专家 www.aiep-experts.net/experts/,例如巴黎 Jean-François BRUN,

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 楼主| 发表于 2018-3-20 01:56 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2018-3-20 11:02 编辑

谁在中国 买西班牙伪戳商赝品转售可以在淘宝网找到答案。在181 楼 介绍过 的 法国1936年戳【俯瞰巴黎塞纳河及桥梁】西班牙伪戳商极限片赝品 在 淘宝网 北京邮商店铺 标价 3800人民币。为什么他卖赝品? 答案在利润和别人购买大部分真品。标价除以成本为 588% 接近6倍。

这家店出售十多枚明显的赝品。 其他太多可疑品无法一一细看。
如果你有能力购买高价品,你可以付认证费用 (A.I.E.P.专家 www.aiep-experts.net/experts/,例如巴黎 Jean-François BRUN,
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发表于 2018-5-9 23:22 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 gabriellm 于 2018-5-9 23:23 编辑

Maybe that never had existed.
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 楼主| 发表于 2018-5-12 03:28 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2018-5-12 14:54 编辑

[quote]gabriellm 发表于 2018-5-9 23:22
Maybe that never had existed.[/quote


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 楼主| 发表于 2018-5-12 03:30 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2018-5-13 02:59 编辑

西班牙伪戳商在2014年 Delcampe 拍卖买罗丹《思想者 或 沉思者》雕像明信片后制 仿戳赝品 在 eBay 拍卖 卖给中国邮商 已售出。

1936年自由女神像邮票用同年(1937年)同日仿戳 在 2018年 西班牙伪戳商 的 eBay拍卖 出现。

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发表于 2018-5-14 14:32 | 只看该作者
This is that Vicent says:

SunYu, here we must to considere and to analyze some things:

1.- These maxicards (and others) were checked by the crew of FIP maximaphily of worldwide in MaxiSpain, obviously under other name to avoid prejudices, included in this lot were this of Statue of Liberty. You can ask to your friends. They said that were right, genuine, without faults.

2.- Your last photo from my sales...do you understand that one person or collector, or seller...maybe that this person went to the post office when a lot or tons of cards to postmark them and to convert in maxicards...one person, at same day, at same our at same post office to make maxicards ?? Exactly as today? Is it possible?

3.- Maybe also that some person in our days (I do not know) could have the original postmarker to do "old" maxicards? Is it possible?

4.- Could you to explain me the existence of two different maxicards from same postcard of Turkey?



1.-這些巨星(和其他)由MaxiSpain全球FIP Maximaphily的船員檢查,顯然是用其他名字來避免偏見,包括在這個地段,這是自由女神像。 你可以問問你的朋友。 他們說這是對的,真誠的,沒有缺點。

2.-您銷售的最後一張照片......您是否明白一個人或收藏家或賣家......可能是這個人去了郵局,因為有很多或大量的卡片將它們郵戳並轉換成微型卡片 ......同一天,同一天,我們在同一個郵局裡製作迷你卡片? 就像今天一樣? 可能嗎?

3.也許在我們這些日子裡有一些人(我不知道)可以讓原來的郵戳人做“老”的迷你人嗎? 可能嗎?

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 楼主| 发表于 2018-5-15 03:34 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2018-5-15 16:17 编辑
gabriellm 发表于 2018-5-14 14:32
This is that Vicent says:

SunYu, here we must to considere and to analyze some things:

First please do not pretend that you are not Vicente.
Second, we like Vicente to explain his eBay ID name changes and multiple Delcampe IDs.
Third, whoever thinks your products are perfect should buy them. I think they are fake and would never help you to overcome the red flags every expert can see, including me who does not lay claim to be one.  May be one day you will improve to fool every expert but today is not the day.
Lastly, who have the three Turkey cards? The key point is that the postcard sold by the Delcampe seller to you and the fake card which you sold at eBay have the same spots. The third card is irrelevant. You had years to find an identical postcard. Spots can be added. Stamp can be cancelled with same fake postmark or a different fake postmark. The end result is the same. No knowledgeable buyer will buy your products.

第一, 请不要假装你不是 Vicente。
第二, 我们要 你 Vicente 解释你的 eBay ID 改名换姓 和多个Delcampe ID (大多被迫关闭)。
第三,  <<This is that Vicent says:
1.- These maxicards (and others) were checked by the crew of FIP
maximaphily of worldwide in MaxiSpain, obviously under other name to
avoid prejudices, included in this lot were this of Statue of Liberty.
You can ask to your friends. They said that were right, genuine,
without faults. >> 你在撒谎。请参考前面的253楼。2017年西班牙 在Aviles 举办 极限展 MaxiEspana
。你 Vicente 展出  SPQR 古罗马,但你不在Aviles。 你没有展出法国巴黎自由女神像。
如果你展出法国巴黎自由女神像,你也骗不了 法国评审员 Anny Boyard。 西班牙极限展的评审员看出你展出可疑品。
西班牙极限展 MaxiEspana 举办了伪戳研讨会,你 Vicente 的土耳其戳是伪戳例子,  有照片为证 (请参考前面的254楼)。
第四, 谁认为你的产品是没有问题的应该自己购买它们。我认为他们是大有问题的可疑品,永远不会帮助你克服每个专家都能看到的问题关键。
第五,  是谁拥有那三枚土耳其卡? 关键是,Delcampe 卖家售你的明信片以及你在eBay上出售的可疑品有相同的斑点。第三枚无关紧要。你有多年可以找到一枚相同的明信片。 斑点可以被添加。邮票可以用相同的问题邮戳或不同的问题邮戳。 最终结果是一样的,
第六, <<This is that Vicent says:
3.- Maybe also that some person in our days (I do not know) could have the original postmarker to do "old" maxicards? Is it possible?
你  承认倒戳是西班牙常见的。 1930年或更早的西班牙邮戳多不是复制伪戳,但多是倒戳。这是常识 因此他们不在欧洲或世界邮展展出
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发表于 2018-5-15 16:35 | 只看该作者
SunYu, the french and algerian maxicard were sent to Avilés, in MaxiSpain2017, I sent them to J.A. Casas to examine them by the crew: A.Boyard, Rangos, etc. The maxicard were returned to me as right, genuine. They WERE NOT exhibitied but THEY WERE checked by specialist.

About Turkey and Fanaraki...do you know that I have found or create a postcard similar ??? You are incredible, you can assure that a postmark is fake and to conclude that I have create a exactly equal
postcard with spots, oxide...crazy man.

ASK them.

SunYu,法國和阿爾及利亞馬克西卡被送到了MaxiSpain2017的Avilés,我把它們送到了J.A. 卡薩斯檢查他們的工作人員:A.Boyard,Rangos等麥克卡爾返回給我是正確的,真實的。 他們沒有展出,但他們由專家檢查。

關於土耳其和Fanaraki ...你知道我發現或創建了一張明信片類似嗎? 你真不可思議,你可以保證郵戳是假的,並得出結論說我已經創建了一個完全相同的明信片,有斑點,氧化......瘋子。
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 楼主| 发表于 2018-5-16 01:48 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2018-5-16 02:06 编辑
gabriellm 发表于 2018-5-15 16:35
SunYu, the french and algerian maxicard were sent to Avilés, in MaxiSpain2017, I sent them to J.A.  ...

Talking to a liar who makes up facts is a waste of time.
MaxiEspana jurors are JUAN ANTONIO CASAS PAJARES <jacasas45@hotmail.com>,
Anny BOYARD <anny.boyard@orange.fr>,
Rosario D'Agata <rosario.dagata@alice.it>, and
Nicos Rangos <dn1989@cytanet.com.cy>.
We have occasional communications and there was no mention that you
are a legitimate and honest seller or collector.
You are welcomed to request them to write me directly as my e-mail
address is among their lists of contacts.

西班牙 极限展 MaxiEspana 评审员 是 JUAN ANTONIO CASAS PAJARES
<jacasas45@hotmail.com>, Anny BOYARD <anny.boyard@orange.fr>,
Rosario D'Agata <rosario.dagata@alice.it>, 与
Nicos Rangos <dn1989@cytanet.com.cy>。

Two well respected A.I.E.P. experts (www.aiep-experts.net/experts/), 巴黎
Jean-François BRUN (jfbphilatelie@gmail.com) and 伊斯坦布尔 Yakup NAKRI
(yakupnakri@hotmail.com) both concluded that your Turkey cards are
fake. Need I say more?

两位受尊敬的国际集邮专家协会会员 (www.aiep-experts.net/experts/), 巴黎Jean-François BRUN(jfbphilatelie@gmail.com)和
伊斯坦布尔 Yakup NAKRI(yakupnakri@hotmail.com)都认为你的土耳其可疑品是赝品。
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发表于 2018-5-16 18:05 | 只看该作者
Ask them Sunyu, be honest and ask them. They had some of my maxicards in their hands (anonimously) and were returned as legitime. These are that I am selling. And please, give me an explanation about Fanaraki images, did you know its existence ?
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 楼主| 发表于 2018-5-17 01:56 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2018-5-18 03:33 编辑


可疑品无人问津。 你的北京朋友生意如何?. 你的卖价60~100美元。转手后,他卖600美元。 不是写错。 不错,500%~900%的投资利润率

No buyer anyway.  Do try your Beijing outlet. He sells your US $60 at  US $600. Not a misprint. Yes, 900% return on investment.

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发表于 2018-5-17 22:22 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 gabriellm 于 2018-5-17 22:56 编辑

My contact in Beijing is selling many

By the other way I am sure that you would like to get Hannibal maxicard or joint issue of ballet Sweden-Eire...but you cannot get them

I suppose that Segovia′s Aqueduct...you asked to J.A. Casas, he asked us...

Do you want some of them? Segovia, Hannibal, Ballet? They are genuine, I can assure you.

NGSUNYU: you bought this, it is MEGAFAKE:

https://www.delcampe.net/es/cole ... 1939-362030091.html
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 楼主| 发表于 2018-5-17 23:34 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2018-5-18 03:30 编辑
gabriellm 发表于 2018-5-17 22:22
My contact in Beijing is selling many

By the other way I am sure that you would like to get Ha ...

If he is selling well, then you should sell to him exclusively. You do know his shop at TaoBao or not? Need my help to find it?
He is selling more from Italian source than you? Better profit margin?
Not interested in your Hannibal and Swedish ballet. Since you have buyers for those,  you should make more similar maximum to sell.
You should realize current Spanish maximum cards too, they should sell. For example, I offered 50 euros to buy 2017 Segovia.
Learn from your Italian colleague. He offers valuable service by realization of current Italian maximum cards.

I have five or six Arc de Orange, that one is from my Australian friend. Whether fake or not it is only 75 euros.
I have six Mont-Saint-Michel but I am still buying more. Just not the fake 1930 ones you sold to Dino and Italo.

如果他卖得好,那么你应该专卖给他。 你是否知道他在淘宝的店铺? 需要我的帮助来找到它? 他卖意大利邮商比卖你的更多吗? 意大利邮商比你的利润率更好吗?

我对你的汉尼拔和瑞典芭蕾不感兴趣。 既然这些有买家,你应该类似的多卖。
你也应该代制现代的西班牙极限,卖他们比卖赝品好。 2017年塞戈维亚极限我愿付50欧元。
你应该向你的意大利同行学习。 他代制现代的意大利极限提供有价值的服务。他的极限参加世界最佳极限比赛。

我有五~六枚 Arc de Orange,这枚来自我的澳大利亚朋友。 无论是否赝品它只75欧元。
我有六枚 圣米歇尔山,但我仍然会买。 只是不是买你卖给Dino和Italo的1930年赝品。
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发表于 2018-5-17 23:40 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 gabriellm 于 2018-5-17 23:53 编辑

Hello Sunyu: I was joking about my contact in Beijing.

I know Taobao but I cannot sell there, language is unknown for me.
I would be very pleased if you show me his shop at Taobao.
A question, why you bought Orange Arch? Its obliteration is not genuine. 75 euro?
By the way, I am only selling maxicards approved as right for specialist in MaxiSpain.

Please, show me the Taobao shop.

Who is "my italian" colleague ?

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 楼主| 发表于 2018-5-18 03:39 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 ngsunyu 于 2018-5-18 13:43 编辑
gabriellm 发表于 2018-5-17 23:40
Hello Sunyu: I was joking about my contact in Beijing.

I know Taobao but I cannot sell there, lan ...

Are you sure that you want me to reveal his shop?
He is your best customer.  Are you sure that you are willing to risk losing him?

Sanctioned  by ASEMA? Liar liar.
Why sell at eBay? Sell direct to ASEMA members.

Did not sell to Dino and Italo?  Liar liar.
What Dino and Italo exhibited were identical to your eBay sale item.
Be sure I will contact them.

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